a little tribute

Thank heaven for amazing and supportive brothers…

Who drive to BYU and spend a half hour in the freezing-cold parking lot breaking into my car because I locked my keys in it for the third time this month

Who show up to their classes tardy because I needed help setting up the projector for my Palestinian-Israeli conflict presentation

Who drag my lazy self out of bed so that we can go for early morning runs and eat early morning Craig Claybournes together

Who indulge me in late night talks that I just couldn’t live without

Who listen to my all my dating angst even though they’ve listened to my exact same worries countless times already

Who are always helpful, kind, and hilarious, even when I’m stressed out and running around like a chicken with my head cut off (a really mean and grumpy chicken with my head cut off–this happens far more often than it should)

Who I look up to in every way.

Thanks, guys.