I’m Back!

So after a long hiatus from my blogging life, I’ve decided to re-enter the blogging world so that I can record more of my random thoughts and experiences–since, it turns out, there is life after Jerusalem, after all.

So in the six months since I last posted I have:

Climbed the Grand Teton.

Me and my dad, uncles, and brothers on the summit.

Been a bridesmaid and married off two of my best friends.

Jana, Jessica, me, Heather, Samantha, and our beautiful bride Carrie. (Carrie’s mom made her dress! Isn’t that amazing? P.S. This photo is courtesy of Samantha.)

Davy Bennet and Kristi Torgerson…no, wait! She’s a Bennet now. Weird how marriage will do that to you. (Photo courtesy of Mindy Tuikolovatu.)

Enjoyed time with my delightful, inspiring, hilarious family.

And in between all that there’s been lots of school, work, football games, genealogy, rock climbing, road trips, and everything else that makes life great.